Triangle Building (initially known as the capital) since 1 December 2010 the European External Action Service (EEAS)'s headquarters. Office building in Brussels, Belgium in the European quarter is the Schuman roundabout. The building was completed in 2009 and houses some other EU departments. EEAS staff will be building in the autumn of 2011.
This Capital building was built in 2009. It replaced an architecturally diverse complex of buildings that was previously located there, named JECL after the initials of the three surrounding streets: Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, Avenue de Cortenbergh and Rue de la Loi. When it was decided that the old JECL complex was to be demolished, the European Commission signalled its interest in purchasing the property in order to build a new EU conference centre on the site. The negotiations between AXA and the Commission were tough and lasted for more than five years, but eventually failed in 2006 due to disagreement over the price. Axa instead built offices on the site, divided into distinct blocks.
Axa intended to split the complex between the Commission, national embassies and private companies. However the Commission refused to share the building. Negotiations became drawn out but as of August 2010 the Commission and Axa are close to a signature for the whole building. Since July 2010 European Personnel Selection Office (Epso) already gained a chunk of the building to move into and with three months outfitting it would be ready as the headquarters of the EEAS.
Rome, Paris, Berlin, Luxembourg, The Hague and Brussels, respectively: 6 technical free parts triangular building, the European Union (EU) capitals of the six founding member countries are divided in the name. A large circular courtyard in the center, which is heavily planted, and 30 years in the construction, architects insist, see "art" is.
Building up to three months' EEAS to meet the requirements to include security arrangements, will. August 2010 as the High Representative's office ignored Schuman roundabout, watching the comings and between the Commission and Council to act, or if it was not ignored PARC DU Cinquantenaire is decided. Commission and Council buildings opposite the car park there is a helipad and private tunnel. However Axa Berlaymont a pedestrian tunnel is being restored without the high representative can leave. Instead of a helipad, including roof solar panel, as the building is outfitted with the latest environmental credentials. Ground floor retail units on the road tax and fully isolated for security purposes, heating and electrical systems will be on.
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